2016-09-26 02:19:22 UTC
Following the US bombing Syrian troops in their barracks during the
cease fire, the Syrian army has resolved to bomb the rebels into
submission. This way, the government will reassert its sovereignty.
The Zionist strategy being pushed by Kerry is to keep Syria in turmoil
as the Jews take more of Palestine. With the resumption of bombing this
strategy is failing so they are now pushing for a ban on flights in
Syria ... just like Hillary Clinton's no-fly-zone in Libya.
Kerry has floated the no-fly option diplomatically and the Jewsmedia
are swinging public opinion by spinning atrocities being committed by
CBC radio has made Syria their top story this Sunday. Derek Stoffel,
reported from occupied Jerusalem, complete with dubbed in sound effects
as if here were in Allepo. We heard about the "barbarism" where "Assad
has killed more people" than the rebels with "wave after wave" of
bombers. This is all very similar to the Zionist campaign to destroy
the Gadhafi government that left Libya in ruins.
Beware of these CBC criminals. They go along for the paychecks, expense
accounts and on-air status. An earlier generation of them pumped out
lies about Saddam to eliminate Iraq's resistance to the theft of
cease fire, the Syrian army has resolved to bomb the rebels into
submission. This way, the government will reassert its sovereignty.
The Zionist strategy being pushed by Kerry is to keep Syria in turmoil
as the Jews take more of Palestine. With the resumption of bombing this
strategy is failing so they are now pushing for a ban on flights in
Syria ... just like Hillary Clinton's no-fly-zone in Libya.
Kerry has floated the no-fly option diplomatically and the Jewsmedia
are swinging public opinion by spinning atrocities being committed by
CBC radio has made Syria their top story this Sunday. Derek Stoffel,
reported from occupied Jerusalem, complete with dubbed in sound effects
as if here were in Allepo. We heard about the "barbarism" where "Assad
has killed more people" than the rebels with "wave after wave" of
bombers. This is all very similar to the Zionist campaign to destroy
the Gadhafi government that left Libya in ruins.
Beware of these CBC criminals. They go along for the paychecks, expense
accounts and on-air status. An earlier generation of them pumped out
lies about Saddam to eliminate Iraq's resistance to the theft of