2018-02-08 05:51:09 UTC
Have you noticed the frequency of CBC's coverage of White on Black (or
Red) violence? Currently we have a black man shot by Montreal police
and the Saskatchewan farmer shooting a aboriginal man.
If there is any racial angle to these and other stories, CBC usually
does not make the connection but they do point out the race of the
victim if s/he is non-white. When cops kill a white man it is usually
not a story but if it is CBC does not mention race.
Also today, CBC is promoting Afro women as refugees fleeing abuse. Do
these people want Canada to be the world's refuge for homosexuals and
abused women. That could easily double our population.
Red) violence? Currently we have a black man shot by Montreal police
and the Saskatchewan farmer shooting a aboriginal man.
If there is any racial angle to these and other stories, CBC usually
does not make the connection but they do point out the race of the
victim if s/he is non-white. When cops kill a white man it is usually
not a story but if it is CBC does not mention race.
Also today, CBC is promoting Afro women as refugees fleeing abuse. Do
these people want Canada to be the world's refuge for homosexuals and
abused women. That could easily double our population.