CBC Seeks Out Racial Stories ... or Makes them Up
(too old to reply)
2018-02-08 05:51:09 UTC
Have you noticed the frequency of CBC's coverage of White on Black (or
Red) violence? Currently we have a black man shot by Montreal police
and the Saskatchewan farmer shooting a aboriginal man.

If there is any racial angle to these and other stories, CBC usually
does not make the connection but they do point out the race of the
victim if s/he is non-white. When cops kill a white man it is usually
not a story but if it is CBC does not mention race.

Also today, CBC is promoting Afro women as refugees fleeing abuse. Do
these people want Canada to be the world's refuge for homosexuals and
abused women. That could easily double our population.
2018-02-08 22:46:39 UTC
Post by Kixi
Have you noticed the frequency of CBC's coverage of White on Black (or
Red) violence? Currently we have a black man shot by Montreal police
and the Saskatchewan farmer shooting a aboriginal man.
If there is any racial angle to these and other stories, CBC usually
does not make the connection but they do point out the race of the
victim if s/he is non-white. When cops kill a white man it is usually
not a story but if it is CBC does not mention race.
Also today, CBC is promoting Afro women as refugees fleeing abuse. Do
these people want Canada to be the world's refuge for homosexuals and
abused women. That could easily double our population.
Currently, there is the murder trial of Theresa Fontaine being conducted
in Winnipeg. The murder of Tina Fontaine prompted the Missing and
Murdered Women inquiry.


The thing is... the coroner could not determine a cause of death.


*** "Cause of death unknown, pathologist says

Ross asked Rhee multiple questions about what caused Fontaine's death.

Rhee described the state of decomposition of the body, which created
challenges during the autopsy, but said there was no indication Fontaine
had been stabbed or strangled. There didn't seem to be any health
reasons for her death, he also said." ***

How can there be a murder charge without a cause of death?
The defense lawyer suggested the reason for that..

*** "During cross-examination, defence lawyer Andrew Synyshyn asked the
police officer whether she knew Cormier was a suspect when the tent was
seized. She couldn't say whether she knew at the time.

He also asked whether police felt pressure to close the case because
Fontaine's death had attracted so much attention. He pointed to a form
from Roy-Haegeman's supervisor to an RCMP lab that said Winnipeg police
needed results expedited because the death had garnered international
headlines in newspapers and spurred calls for an inquiry into missing
and murdered Indigenous women." ***

This trial looks like a farce. This guy will get convicted and the crown
will pat themselves on the back claiming the case solved. The Aboriginal
community can feel vindicated that justice has been served for them.
extra class
2018-02-09 18:39:23 UTC
fully encrypted CBC is unavailable
Yes, it was awesome content.
It must contained some fully encrypted content the powers that be didn't
want us to see.

"Kixi" wrote in message news:hzReC.15428$***@fx05.iad...

Have you noticed the frequency of fully encrypted CBC's coverage of White on
Black (or
Red) violence? Currently we have a black man shot by Montreal police
and the Saskatchewan farmer shooting a aboriginal man.

If there is any racial angle to these and other stories, fully encrypted CBC
does not make the connection but they do point out the race of the
victim if s/he is non-white. When cops kill a white man it is usually
not a story but if it is fully encrypted CBC does not mention race.

Also today, fully encrypted CBC is promoting Afro women as refugees fleeing
abuse. Do
these people want Canada to be the world's refuge for homosexuals and
abused women. That could easily double our population.
