2016-10-19 18:04:26 UTC
Of course CBC would ridicule Trump for saying the media is conspiring
to prevent his winning.
Since conspiracies are difficult to prove the allegation is indeed a
theory. But people do conspire to achieve important objectives and CBC
bosses have done just that.e.
For example, AFAIK, ALL the mass media sold the lie about Saddam's WMDs
even though the public were sceptical ... remember a million people in
the streets of London.
Not one major newspaper, TV channel, radio station or news magazine
presented the position that WMDs were not proven. CBC went along.
MEANS: The common thread in the media that enable a conspiracy is
Jewish control and their infamous cohesion around issues near and dear.
MOTIVE: Saddam was sopporting Palestinian resistance to the theft of
their plots of land.
So. of course CBC bosses are engaged in ridiculing Trump's "conspiracy
to prevent his winning.
Since conspiracies are difficult to prove the allegation is indeed a
theory. But people do conspire to achieve important objectives and CBC
bosses have done just that.e.
For example, AFAIK, ALL the mass media sold the lie about Saddam's WMDs
even though the public were sceptical ... remember a million people in
the streets of London.
Not one major newspaper, TV channel, radio station or news magazine
presented the position that WMDs were not proven. CBC went along.
MEANS: The common thread in the media that enable a conspiracy is
Jewish control and their infamous cohesion around issues near and dear.
MOTIVE: Saddam was sopporting Palestinian resistance to the theft of
their plots of land.
So. of course CBC bosses are engaged in ridiculing Trump's "conspiracy