Masih Alinejad
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2023-04-02 01:17:14 UTC
Tonight on the TV channel CBC News Network there was a
rebroadcast of the Fifth Estate episode The Dissidents,
mainly featuring Iranian American journalist, feminist,
and activist Masih Alinejad.

From this old out of town laptop I can't access
CBC Gem or YouTube, but I think you can stream
the episode from either of those, possibly through
https://gem.cbc.ca/the-fifth-estate/s48 . I could
check on my iPhone but I have other matters to

And since Ms. Alinejad does not seem to have as much
positive charisma modulation as I would expect,
I think my efforts recounted on alt.religion.druid
are not yet bearing fruit, but hope they will by
full moon.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"But once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2023-04-03 21:25:51 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Tonight on the TV channel CBC News Network there was a
rebroadcast of the Fifth Estate episode The Dissidents,
mainly featuring Iranian American journalist, feminist,
and activist Masih Alinejad.
From this old out of town laptop I can't access
CBC Gem or YouTube, but I think you can stream
the episode from either of those, possibly through
https://gem.cbc.ca/the-fifth-estate/s48 . I could
check on my iPhone but I have other matters to
And since Ms. Alinejad does not seem to have as much
positive charisma modulation as I would expect,
I think my efforts recounted on alt.religion.druid
are not yet bearing fruit, but hope they will by
full moon.
However, since I am pagan and Ms. Alinejad is probably
Muslim and has many Muslim supporters, she probably
does not want to be associated with me (and is not).

But we may agree on the following three of my
essential messages, especially the second one:

--no discrimination against women, children, or men (but e.g. it should
be acceptable to have same sex sweat lodges, if there are ones for the
other gender too and the majority in the path agree with such practice;
or even acceptable to have a same sex religious organization such as
Dianic Wicca, as long as there is an allied parallel group for the other
gender, and the majority of those in the two dual male and female groups
agree with the practice); and ordination of both genders must be
possible at all levels (that does not mean that in a religion with one
leader that there must be suddenly both a male and female leader, though
that could be considered, but that the leader spot would become open to
both genders if it is not already) in paths that include both genders.
Even if you believe your Deity to be male that does not mean human males
have to be supreme over human females.

--related to the above, there should be choice of dress for people
including women though I think given that choice many would still choose
traditional garb but should not be forced to.

--no use of religious symbols as symbols of violence (so effectively as
if large gang symbols). The exception is if you are being attacked and
may draw on them for strength and courage in resistance, but resistance
does not mean terrorism against innocent civilians. If they are
religious symbols they should be symbols of peace and dialogue, else
they are not religious symbols that should be respected by governments.

However I am not claiming to be a Prophet of Islam, Mohammed
was the last Prophet of Islam. But I am claiming to be an
avatar type similar to Rama, Krishna, Jacob, Moses, Buddha,
Jesus, Taliesin, and many others, but not Mohammed, who I
think was a Founder/Guru/Missionary/Prophet type, similar
to Abraham, Paul, Baha'u'llah, and I think Nanak.

Moreover, I do not believe in submission to God, but think
that God expects us to think for ourselves, and that
God (who I call Goddess) may test us in that regard.
And I certainly do not believe in submission to anyone
who claims to speak for God (and my essential messages
are from me, though I don't think I will be allowed to
proceed unless my eight main deities agree with at
least most of them).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
David Dalton
2023-04-04 04:15:37 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Tonight on the TV channel CBC News Network there was a
rebroadcast of the Fifth Estate episode The Dissidents,
mainly featuring Iranian American journalist, feminist,
and activist Masih Alinejad.
From this old out of town laptop I can't access
CBC Gem or YouTube, but I think you can stream
the episode from either of those, possibly through
https://gem.cbc.ca/the-fifth-estate/s48 . I could
check on my iPhone but I have other matters to
And since Ms. Alinejad does not seem to have as much
positive charisma modulation as I would expect,
I think my efforts recounted on alt.religion.druid
are not yet bearing fruit, but hope they will by
full moon.
However, since I am pagan and Ms. Alinejad is probably
Muslim and has many Muslim supporters, she probably
does not want to be associated with me (and is not).
But we may agree on the following three of my
--no discrimination against women, children, or men (but e.g. it should
be acceptable to have same sex sweat lodges, if there are ones for the
other gender too and the majority in the path agree with such practice;
or even acceptable to have a same sex religious organization such as
Dianic Wicca, as long as there is an allied parallel group for the other
gender, and the majority of those in the two dual male and female groups
agree with the practice); and ordination of both genders must be
possible at all levels (that does not mean that in a religion with one
leader that there must be suddenly both a male and female leader, though
that could be considered, but that the leader spot would become open to
both genders if it is not already) in paths that include both genders.
Even if you believe your Deity to be male that does not mean human males
have to be supreme over human females.
--related to the above, there should be choice of dress for people
including women though I think given that choice many would still choose
traditional garb but should not be forced to.
--no use of religious symbols as symbols of violence (so effectively as
if large gang symbols). The exception is if you are being attacked and
may draw on them for strength and courage in resistance, but resistance
does not mean terrorism against innocent civilians. If they are
religious symbols they should be symbols of peace and dialogue, else
they are not religious symbols that should be respected by governments.
However I am not claiming to be a Prophet of Islam, Mohammed
was the last Prophet of Islam. But I am claiming to be an
avatar type similar to Rama, Krishna, Jacob, Moses, Buddha,
Jesus, Taliesin, and many others, but not Mohammed, who I
think was a Founder/Guru/Missionary/Prophet type, similar
to Abraham, Paul, Baha'u'llah, and I think Nanak.
Moreover, I do not believe in submission to God, but think
that God expects us to think for ourselves, and that
God (who I call Goddess) may test us in that regard.
And I certainly do not believe in submission to anyone
who claims to speak for God (and my essential messages
are from me, though I don't think I will be allowed to
proceed unless my eight main deities agree with at
least most of them).
Also I am not starting a new religion, and forbid anyone
from starting one in my name. But my messages are for
my people, humans globally.

Another of my essential messages is:

--It is time we globally dropped (and made illegal where they are not)
old military and/or religious pronouncements which I think were designed
to increase population for military purposes or religious path strength;
we now have a population of over 8 billion. (But note that I would push
for dropping of such pronouncements even if global population was much
lower and they should be dropped in sparsely populated rural areas as
well as cities.) Such pronouncements include those:

(a) against loving compatible adult same sex relationships, including
same sex marriage and all governments with gays and lesbians among their
citizens and religions that have gays and lesbians among their members
would be criminally (and I hope legally soon where they are not)
negligent in not conducting marriages for them, since such marriages
reduce infidelity and promiscuity and sexually transmitted disease and
death. If you are straight be straight, but let gays be gay, don't bully

(b) against masturbation . Masturbation is important in that it can
help teens delay sexual activity (and result in fewer teen pregnancies
and fewer needed abortions) and can help prospective rapists including
pedophiles, including some ordained ones, release their tension without
committing a crime. Also in masturbating while thinking of prospective
partners the maximum orgasms should occur when there is strong
compatibility, and said strong compatability is a key to lifelong
relationships. Hence masturbation is a tool for determining who you
should court. (Aside: Onan's fault was in not impregnating his dead
brother's wife, and hence failing his then family duty, not because of
the masturbation, i.e., not any masturbation would have been the crime,
but just that one of avoiding his then family duty.)

(c) against birth control before marriage (and for family planning
after marriage; and condoms for protection against HIV and other STDs).

(d) against committed marriage groups of more than two. Now some may
say that polyamorists often have a lot of children but this is more true
in sparsely populated rural areas than in cities, and also there would
be in time just as many groups with one woman and two men as with one
man and two women. Overall it would result in fewer children per parent
and one could be at home while two work. But of course many would still
choose marriage groups of two.

(e) against education of girls and women, and employment, in all
fields including political office, of women

(f) for forced marriage especially forced early marriage.

I bet that Masih Alinejad at least agrees with the dropping
of pronouncements for (e) and (f) at least.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)