2017-08-15 16:12:50 UTC
Have you noticed that when the Gay Pride parade occurs, CBC is almost
drooling approvingly over it? Their demonstration of open pride is
echoed by media bosses.
Did you notice that when people paraded in Virginia to demonstrate
their pride at being members of the white races, CBC projected outrage
at "racist" "white supremacists" "neo-Nazi" "fascists'? They made no
reference to the organizations which arranged the counter demonstration
to create conflict.
But there are hints in CBC's coverage of one group that opposes the
white race. They referenced The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the Munk
Foundation and Bernie Farber - all jewish and mostly Zionist. Having a
Zionist condemn racism is a stretch too far. (Jews frequently employ
the tactic of inciting violence to block messages from people that
threaten their power. Check David Irving's web site.)
I expect CBC will be stringing out this story for days to come. Beware
of the enemies of the people folks.
drooling approvingly over it? Their demonstration of open pride is
echoed by media bosses.
Did you notice that when people paraded in Virginia to demonstrate
their pride at being members of the white races, CBC projected outrage
at "racist" "white supremacists" "neo-Nazi" "fascists'? They made no
reference to the organizations which arranged the counter demonstration
to create conflict.
But there are hints in CBC's coverage of one group that opposes the
white race. They referenced The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the Munk
Foundation and Bernie Farber - all jewish and mostly Zionist. Having a
Zionist condemn racism is a stretch too far. (Jews frequently employ
the tactic of inciting violence to block messages from people that
threaten their power. Check David Irving's web site.)
I expect CBC will be stringing out this story for days to come. Beware
of the enemies of the people folks.